Getting Started


To install Auteur, you can use one of the following methods:


Glue is available as a Homebrew formula. To install Auteur using Homebrew, run the following commands:

First to set up the tap

brew tap tronica/tap

And then to install Glue

brew install glue

Glue should then be available as a command line tool.

Using Go

To install Glue using Go, run the following command:

go install


To initialize a new Glue project, run the following command:

glue init

This should create a new directory according to your XDG_CONFIG_HOME or HOME environment variable.

Typically, this will be ~/.config/glue

Editing the script

To edit the script, navigate to the newly created directory and open the glue.lua file.

Running glue will always look for a glue.lua file in the current directory first, and then default to the ~/.config/glue directory.