
Glue is a powerful system setup tool combining using Lua as a configuration language . It provides an intuitive, imperative approach to machine setup and configuration management.

Warning: Glue is still is in prototype phase. Features and APIs may evolve


Glue seamlessly combines Go + Lua (hence the name) to offer:

  • Lua-based configuration language
  • Simple, imperative API (inspired by Ansible)
  • Extensible module system
  • "Blueprint" generation and execution
  • Filtering of configuration blocks

Note: Glue is still in prototype phase. Features and APIs may evolve. Please report issues via GitHub.

Quick Start

Glue typically works globally on your system by referencing the glue.lua file in your XDG_CONFIG_HOME folder. Typically that would be ~/.config/glue/glue.lua.

Here's an example of a configuration that sets up some configurations and installs Homebrew packages:

group("configs", function ()
        source = "./configs/alacritty" .. name,
        dest = "~/.config/alacritty",
        strategy = "merge"

        state = true,
        block = read("./configs/"),
        path = "~/.zshrc"

group("homebrew", function ()

        taps =  {
        casks = {
        packages = {

CLI Reference

glue [flags] [command]


Command Description
completion Generate shell autocompletion scripts
document Generate internal function documentation
help Display help information
init Initialize Glue on your system
only Execute specific groups using a selector


Flag Description
--plan See the execution blueprints without applying anything
-h, --help Show help information
-p, --path string Specify glue.lua location
-v, --verbose Enable verbose logging

Extending Glue

Glue can be extended through its module system. Create new modules in the modules package using the registry system.

Here's an example of a simple module that prints a message:

Registry.RegisterModule(func(glue *core.Glue) error {
	glue.Plug("print", core.FUNCTION).
		Brief("Print a string").
		Arg("obj", ANY, "the message or object to log").
		Do(func(R Runtime, args *Arguments) (RTValue, error) {
			return nil, nil

	return nil


Contributions are welcome! Please:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Submit a pull request


GNU General Public License v3.0